Saturday, August 30, 2008


Cytokensis is the Guinea Pig in Mr. Franklin's class. He is a class pet. I got to take him home this weekend!!! I am really lucky to have such a nice bus driver. Mr. Banks (the bus driver) let me carry Cytokensis home the the bus in a container. The reason his name is Cytokensis is because that is Mr. Franklin's favorite science word just because it sound funny. Mom is thinking about letting me get a Guinea Pig that will stay at our house house permanently. If I get a Guinea Pig to keep we will have to buy a cage for it, but we can get the Guinea Pig for free from my friend Ashley. She got her two Guinea Pigs from Pet Depot when they were buy two get a free cage, and well the Guinea Pigs kept having babies. Now Ashley has eight and doesn't want any of them. So if mom agrees then I will get one from Ashley. (That is how Mr. Franklin got his for the classroom).

Monday, August 18, 2008


It is the moment you have all been waiting for... finally got my braces put on. I got to miss most of the day today. I went in at about 12:10. Then I had volleyball practice till 5:30 and I still have to do my homework. Getting the spacers taken out would not have been so bad if the girl taking them out had not dropped one of them down into my throat. Then I was trying to cough the spacer up while she was counting and wondering why there was one missing. By the time she said she was missing one I had already coughed it up and was holding it on the tip of my tongue. Then when I was trying on different brackets she was pushing really hard on one and then said I think that one is to small, but goes on pushing before she come to the conclusion (again) that it is to small. The braces don't look to bad on me though. I had lots of people telling me that the braces fit with me some how. I said it was probably because I have freckles and the braces match my freckles.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Volleyball Anyone

Yeah!!! I made the volleyball team. Mom got a few pictures of me at tryouts. My legs are sore from tryouts toady. Then we have practice Mon - Thurs from 3:45 till 5:30. Our games are on Mondays and Tuesdays. Unfortionately that means I have a game on Oct. 6 and 7th. So I can't come visit in Oct. If I did come I would miss at least 4 practices and 2 games. And I really don't want to let my team down. Just before they called out names I herd April and Mikayla saying that if one made the team and the other one didn't then the person that made the team would quit. Then they both looked at me and Mikayla said that if she made the team and I didn't she was still playing, but then said just kidding. So I told her to play because I am not going to get mad about some thing like that. Thankfully the couch came back to tell who made the team and who didn't before they tried to get me in on there little plan. I wasn't nervous untill after the coteam. WARNING: The last to pictures on here are of my spacers so if you don't like the way the inside of peoplesuch said my name because if April or Mikayla didn't make the team and I did I was not quit!!! Then they would have both been mad at me. Thankfully they both made the mouthes look scroll past them really fast. (i blame Jim; He wanted the to see pictures)!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I got my spacers today. I didn't hurt when they put them in, and it really doesn't hurt now either. I didn't get a choice of color. The lady just shoved blue spacers in my mouth, and told me not to have and thing chewy or sticky. So in other words I chewed my last piece of gum for the next two years today. I didn't put any picture of my blue spacers on the blog because I didn't think you guys really wanted to see that. My spacers are really just blue rubber bands put between four of my teeth (two on the top, two on the bottom). I went with mom the the distract meeting and health fair. My personal favorite was that they were giving away candy (and it wasn't sugar free!!! LOL!!!). I got some good stuff, but I had to give away about 10 pieces bucause I knew I wouldn't be allowed to eat them since they were caramel and sticky!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Toy Box

Well I liked Lisa and Jim's toy box for the girls so much that I desided to make one of my own. I continue to buy new toys for Gracie and Charlie, but they are just piling up!!! So I made their toy box today. I have this week off of school because the theachers have to go to meetings all week. So I used this as a perfect chance to get the toy box made. I have been meaning to make tis box for about a month. So now that is it finally done it better be useful!!! Charlie is pulling the toys out of the box as we speak. He can't understand why all of his toys are in jail!!! LOL!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blueberry Delight

Mom made Blueberry Delight today and I helped"!!! Ok I just sampled. Gracie was upset that she did not get in on it. She was eating her dinner during the whole making process. I also made a blockade so Charlie wouldn't bother us. Tell me if you think it worked based on the picture. We made the Blueberry Delight so that we could take it to our life group that mom and I go to Sunday night. We all take turns bringing stuff like dessert, drink, or other small stuff like that. It works pretty well. This is a very important week because I have volleyball try outs on the 13-15th. Unfortunately I can't make it on the 14th because I get my spacers (I have them in my mouth for about 4 days. Them I get braces) on that day. I have already told the coach I could make it that day, and she said that was fine. I will let you know how try outs go. Just check back often.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bath Day For...

Gracie was happily playing with her ball when I came along. then the then thing she knows she is in the sink and soaked. She always looks so pathetic when she gets a bath. Then there are two steps for drying her. First she gets towel dried. Then she gets blow dried the rest of the way. She really didn't like being blow dried. then she found out that she got a chew stick in the end and figured out it was well worth it. Charlie will get a bath today too. The only difference is he gets he bath outside and he LOVES getting a bath. Just ask Paris. He intruded on her bath while we were at Aunt Lisa's and Uncle Jim's house during July.