Unfortunately my summer vacation is over!!! I had to go back to school Thursday, and Gracie doesn't seem to like the whole idea. She got spoiled having me home all the time, but she has to learn that I have to be bored at school just like she has to be bored at home. My teachers are ok expect for Mr. Lowe and Couch O Brien. I wanted to take robotics, but that class was canceled because not enough people singed up for it :( So they gave me Industrial Tech. A class that makes you work with computers and build cars. I have no clue how to due any of it and am totally lost. Mom is going to get my schedule changed so I can have Art instead of Industrial Tech. Mr. Lowe is my Tech teacher for typing. He is alright and every thing, but i really wanted Mrs. Davis because I know her better and have had her for the past two years. So mom will also get that changed.
Down around the corner
5 days ago
It doesn't sound all that bad. Ayden doesn't like it when I go to work ether.
Did you get your computer back?
Gracie looks sad watching for you out the door. Too bad about robotics.
When do you get your fall break. I was thinking maybe I could time some leave to match your break and we could crash Aunt Lisa's house for a week. What do you think?
I think that would be great if They would let us. My break is from the Oct. 6th till the 13th. And the 13th is my Birthday.
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